Something you should know about Microsofts latest Office update!
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Microsoft has recently rolled out its new version of Office, Microsoft Office 2019.
The new stand-alone non-cloud-based version of Microsoft Office Software Suite requires no subscription meaning once the programme is yours, it’s yours to keep.
Office 2019 replaces the 2016 versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint and includes many new features that have been rolled out to the ever-growing Office 365.
Even though much attention is focused on Office 2019, it’s very important to understand it is not supported on Windows 7 or 8.
For those using Office for Apple Mac, the new 2019 version will be supported on the 3 most recent versions of MacOS; OS Sierra 10.2, High Sierra 10.13, and Mojave 10.4.
Many features on the various programmes will be familiar to those who regularly use the Microsoft Office package – but a few enhancements will support, and even improve, productivity.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Microsoft Word
- Updated ‘Learning Tools’ will include new text-to-speech, text spacing and translator features. ÂÂÂÂ
- Microsoft has introduced numerous additions to its programme. Many of the new functions include new formulas, chart options and support for 2D maps and timelines – all to present and organise data more effectively
- The changes implemented on PowerPoint aim to enhance the media and visual element in presentations
- 3D model display / manipulation and SVG files will be available on slides
- Users will have the ability to export their presentation in 4K UHD video format, and can write by hand. Users may write with their stylist while editing documents
Microsoft has no intention to replace Office 365 with Office 2019. They have made a point that Office 2019 will be a standalone package primarily targeted at private users – whereas Office 365 is purchased on a monthly subscription.
While Microsoft claim their latest version will receive regular security updates, it will not have expanded feature updates, while Office 365 users will have frequent monthly updates the same as what has always been the case.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]For details on how Computer Support for Business, powered by Syn-Star, can support your businesses I.T. get in touch by clicking here. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]